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Improving equality between women and men at TDV Industries

COMPLETED IN 2019/2020

The ergonomic study of the various workstations has shown that the vast majority of these stations do not require any special arrangements to make them accessible to women. This has made us aware that there is no physiological incompatibility, but that this incompatibility is probably subjective, of a cultural nature. This open-mindedness at all levels of the company has enabled us to integrate 3 women in the dyeing workshop as machine operators.

The association “Et pourquoi pas elles?” (“And why not women?”) held a workshop in TDV Industries to establish dialogue between the different players in the company (managers, human resources, employees, supervisors, etc.) and to enable them to think differently about gender equality at work. The first part of the workshop consisted of introducing the association, defining what gender equality is and pointing out stereotypes. During the second part, our colleagues chose a topic from a wide range of themes and worked together to find solutions on the theme: “Working time and prioritising living time”.

Since the beginning of 2019, gender ratios have been almost equal in the weaving workshop with 55% men and 45% women. An increase of 10% of women has also been observed in the dyeing workshop.

2nd HALF 2020
+ 2Roue des ODD21

Re-invite an association to raise awareness among employees (in conjunction with the Prefecture of Mayenne)

Create a working group with women from all workshops to advance gender equality, improve women’s specific well-being and working conditions within TDV Industries

Create a barometer to assess “machismo/sexism” in the workplace and to measure the casual sexism at TDV Industries