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Good health and well-being at work

COMPLETED IN 2019/2020

We distributed to all employees the results of a questionnaire to assess their quality of life at TDV Industries. We called it the “Wellness Barometer”. We achieved a participation rate of 65%! The summary of this barometer shows a strong sense of attachment to the company and the perception that employees hold positions in which they are thriving.

We have drawn up an action plan to improve:

  • Safety: Recruitment of a Health, Safety and Environment manager and establishment of a CSSCT – a Health, Safety and Working Conditions Commission – to reinforce the former CHSCT.
  • Quality of life at work: Establishment of a partnership with a social service assistant who visits the site and can be consulted by the employees.
  • Management: generalisation of employee appraisals in order to recognise work well done and to raise the skills of our employees.
  • Listening and taking into account everyone’s opinion: deployment of a system for collecting and implementing suggestions for improvement.
  • Mastery of skills and knowledge: implementation of an even more ambitious organisation, enabling training throughout the employee’s career within the company.
  • Improvement of workstations, premises and equipment: gathering information on employees’ needs.
  • Communication: Implementation events that promote a good atmosphere and communication within the teams and between departments (written communication, sports and recreational events, etc.)

The partnership with the social service assistant makes it possible to support employees in social, psychological and economic difficulty in their workplace and thus contribute to their well-being.

Following the redundancy plan, TDV Industries took responsibility for reclassifying its employees internally and externally with the greatest care. A counselling service was set up to support employees in this difficult ordeal.

2nd HALF 2020
+ 2Roue des ODD21

Lay the foundations for our in-house training school

Continue to organise events that promote team spirit and recreation at work as soon as the health situation permits

Programme external expert speakers to provide access to sports-health, to culture or to discussion on social issues

COVID-19 context

TDV Industries was able to act quickly in the face of the SARS-COV-2 virus by creating, as early as February, a COVID-19 cell and conditions that allowed it to continue working without putting employees at risk. This cell, which is still in daily operation, meets remotely every morning and has the ongoing task of protecting the health of employees and guaranteeing them safety at their workstations. During lock-down, at the height of the crisis, this unit made it possible to maintain business activity while safeguarding the health and safety of our employees. The necessary measures were quickly deployed and made compulsory: wearing a mask as soon as you left your vehicle or at a defined distance from the entrance for employees coming to work on foot, hand-washing every hour and/or as soon as you touched an object or surface outside our work location, doors kept open, etc. The list of measures has been continuously expanded since March and allows us to adapt to changes in the health situation.

TDV Industries has participated in the national effort by manufacturing fabrics for masks for the general public. These fabrics have been tested and certified for up to 50 washes in Class 1 for some and Class 2 for others by the French Defence Procurement Agency (Direction Générale de l’Armement) and the French Textile and Clothing Institute (IFTH – Institut Français du Textile et de l’Habillement). This production represents more than 4 million Made-in-TDV masks!

Aware of the close links between private and professional life, we have equipped each employee and close family member with thirty washable and reusable cloth protective masks (approved for 50 washes) produced at TDV Industries to protect them in the workplace and also in their private lives.

We now plan to develop a long-term offer of textile masks that can be washed more than 50 times:

  • used even post-COVID, in the B-to-B and B-to-C circuits, also to avoid microbes and germs, as has been the case in Asia for a very long time
  • separate, PPE, comfortable, durable, innovative (integrating features that compensate for the disadvantages of the mask) and as soon as possible originating from the upgrading of professional clothing at the end of its life.